Dynamics CRM engages customers through mobile connectivity

According to Pew Research, the digital landscape is primed for mobile-device expansion. While 34 percent of smartphone users today are accessing the Internet through their devices. That percentage will jump dramatically to 93 percent by 2017. This serves to illustrate the need for businesses to provide more support channels—mobile access—for more meaningful engagement with their customers. […]

2022-11-10T09:41:16-08:00February 29th, 2016|

Forbes: Microsoft Azure consistently ranked as a leader.””

Surprising, or just plain astonishing, the cloud “will never wipe out on-premises,” notes a content summary from a Forrester report  (“The Public Cloud is Now in Hypergrowth). In fact the total dollars in cloud services, including Saas, is expected to increase almost four-fold from revenues of $36 billion in 2013 to an expected $133 billion by 2020  […]

2022-05-25T14:07:32-07:00February 26th, 2016|

4 Ways a Dynamics GP Consultant Can Help Your Business Save Money and Grow

While Dynamics GP is one of the most user-friendly accounting software solutions available on the market today, utilizing the services of a Dynamics GP consultant can make a tremendous difference in how efficiently your company uses the program. Many consultants can work on an as-needed basis. However, it is a good idea to create a consistent frequency of oversight and advisement, especially during the implementation process. […]

2022-05-25T14:07:38-07:00February 25th, 2016|

Let a Dynamics GP Developer Make Your Company Great

Dynamics GP is one of the greatest innovations of technology has been giving business owners the ability to be self-reliant.  The flexibility to manage their own accounts, track inventory, maintain their staff, without the need to hire additional staff and incur more expenses and possible weak links in the chain of management. […]

2022-05-25T14:07:51-07:00February 22nd, 2016|

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Seamless integration with Microsoft Azure.

As a small-business owner, you and your staff have spent countless hours vetting accounting software packages for your growing manufacturing company. Your primary concern was investing too many dollars in a system whose features you wouldn’t need to tap until years down the road. That’s why you chose Microsoft Dynamics GP for your ERP system, and why its scalability met your requirements for a platform you could grow into. At first, you were concerned that the tide was turning wholly toward cloud-based ERP/Financials, CRM suites. Not so. Microsoft understood the need for both on-premise and online capabilities when they designed [...]

2022-05-25T14:08:04-07:00February 17th, 2016|

Cloud ERP series 9: How do you find the right team to guide you through the implementation?

Choosing the right partner to help you deploy an ERP system is critically important to the success of your project. There certainly is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to implementing an ERP system. Every company has unique goals, and an implementation requires careful planning and analysis. Here is the project management methodology to planning and executing Cloud-based ERP implementation with a supportive partner. […]

2022-05-25T14:08:18-07:00February 2nd, 2016|
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