Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central | How to use Item Variants for Matrix Inventory (DEMO)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central | How to use Item Variants for Matrix Inventory (DEMO)

Thank you for joining us to discover how to effectively use item variants in Dynamics 365 Business Central to enhance your inventory management capabilities. Variants play a crucial role in allowing you to define specific attributes of an item, resulting in distinct variations of that product. For instance, in industries like apparel, you might have a single item available in various sizes, colors, and even seasons. In this demonstration, we will delve into the world of item variants, investigate how they manifest in inventory availability, and engage in practical exercises involving purchasing and sales scenarios.

Understanding Item Variants

To begin, let’s examine a standard inventory item that serves as the foundation of our demonstration. We will then proceed to explore item variants. These variants allow us to differentiate between various aspects of a product. For the demonstration, we have chosen a regular item from our inventory.

Setting Up Variants

We have added variants to this specific shirt, indicating two crucial attributes: size and color. Using a unique SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier, such as 5100, we can create different variants to represent the product’s diverse characteristics. In Dynamics 365 Business Central, we can assign a variant code and provide a comprehensive description. This description serves as a replacement for the default item description when used in sales and purchase orders.

Configuring Mandatory Variants

On the item card, we have configured the system to make specifying a variant mandatory when purchasing or selling this particular item. This ensures that when transactions involving this item occur, the specific variant is explicitly defined.

Monitoring Variant Availability

Once we have items with specified variants in our inventory, we can conveniently review their availability within the system. In the “Items” section, under “Item Availability by Variant,” we can observe item 5100 and its quantities, neatly organized according to their associated variants. Clicking on a quantity reveals a breakdown of the transactions contributing to that quantity.

Purchasing with Variants

Now, let’s walk through the process of creating a purchase order to replenish our inventory. As our item number is 5100, and due to the specified variant requirement, we must enter a variant code. This ensures we order the precise variants we need.

Selling with Variants

Subsequently, we will explore the sales aspect of managing items with variants. In a sales order, we’ll demonstrate how to add the item and select the appropriate variant code.

You can add as many lines as required, each with its specific variant code. This flexibility empowers you to establish a matrix inventory, allowing for dynamic and detailed inventory management within Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In conclusion, we’ve explored the concept of item variants, uncovered how they impact availability, and engaged in practical exercises, showcasing the usage of item variants in both purchasing and sales transactions

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