

Now we know that the Amazon Web Service (AWS) was the first cloud service to be offered, so it has first-mover advantage yada yada yada – but Microsoft Azure is the fastest growing cloud service and with good reason!


Without bogging you down with all the technicalities, here’s why we’re betting on Microsoft Azure:

  • Microsoft Azure offers every service that AWS does and more – who doesn’t love more?
  • More developer tools are available on Microsoft Azure, most notably hosting features – making development, deploying and hosting easier
  • Creating and maintaining hybrid clouds are significantly easier with Microsoft Azure
    • Hybrid clouds are particularly important if you are just transferring onto the cloud or you do not wish to completely eliminate on-premise servers
    • You can also keep legacy apps with a hybrid system
  • Despite AWS appearing to be more hospitable to open source developers for longer, Microsoft has also joined the open source game
  • Companies using Microsoft technologies will have a much easier transfer process onto Microsoft Azure versus AWS
    • Most business uses Microsoft – it just seems the most logical step to us to then chose Azure as your cloud service


I don’t know what you’re thinking but we’d put our money where our mouth is and say that Microsoft Azure is the way to go! In short, Microsoft Azure offers you just that bit more than AWS which push the odds in its favor.


Here are some more of our thoughts on how Microsoft Azure can benefit you:


Our consultants can get you up and running on Azure in no time!

Please contact us if you want to put your money down on Microsoft Azure or if you want to dig a little deeper into how we can help you transform your business operations!