Forbes touts 'born-in-the-cloud' (SaaS) solutions, such as NetSuite

Growing companies doing business in that mid-market range are well aware of the need to approach their varied sectors with efficiency: they must be ever diligent in presenting solutions for “customers, suppliers, partners, employees and now remote assets/devices,” notes a Forbes overview on market trends.

Forbes: Importance of cloud-based software…

Mid-market companies are the backbone of the U.S. economy, and “account for a significant share of job creation.” As such, Forbes points out the importance of cloud ERP software in servicing this segment, which provides them with the business process tools akin to the Fortune 500 element:

“Each company (mid-market) has its own and unique supply chain, their own business processes, scare resources, and the need to drive ROI and TCO from their enterprise systems.”

NetSuite: Web-based accounting software and more…

Gone are the days of throwing out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to implementing new software: many “external systems” will interface with existing on-premise software without untold disruptions.

For example, cloud ERP software, such as NetSuite, provides a web-portal accessible 24/7. Moreover, this robust SaaS platform combines not only a powerful accounting package but also offers solutions in the area of ERP, CRM and eCommerce demands; this, without requiring an all-in migration to the cloud that keeps certain programs and processes on-premise.

For a global company operating with vendors spread around the world, Netsuite enhances decision-making with  real-time data, such as multiple currency conversions for accurate quotes and invoicing. Less competitive companies are shackled to the old way of monitoring their products through the sales channel to delivery: they rely on non-integrated spreadsheets and applications that provide little or no collaborative features.

For a free demo or to find out more about cloud ERP software contact us today.

Written by B.H. (Sales Team)
