It’s a common dilemma for non-profits: as the organization grows, so does the need for more IT support, or new software to handle financials, memberships and fund-raising campaigns.

Stakeholders may continue to push back on technology solutions that seem “costly;” this, without implementing a strategy of research to understand fully the gains that could be had—particularly when it comes to utilizing a cloud ERP platform.

The priority checklists for non-profit ERP software, much like those used in for-profit businesses, must include a close-look at the areas where cost-cutting can take place throughout the organization.

For one, by turning to a cloud hosting service for their ERP software, they eliminate many upfront costs, allowing them to move to an efficient operation more quickly.

As noted in a post in the ERP Cloud News:
“…decide on what your organization wants to accomplish and what success will look like. When there is a long term strategy for the organization, deploying financial management software can be seamless. Everyone in your organization needs to be brought up to speed on the plan.”

Furthermore, it is vital to the successful implementation that both the Board of Directors and the organization’s Auditing group play a significant part in developing the overall plan.

A key component to this transition is the ‘Audit Trail:’ the hosting service must provide ease of tracking and compliance with privacy issues for all data stored and shared.
But it doesn’t mean migrating all of the non-profit’s data to the cloud. In fact, the best mix, notes Gartner, is one that uses a “hybrid” approach, combining both on-premise and cloud solutions.

Let our team of Dynamic specialists walk you through buying process. Then, you’ll understand just how important Technology Management Concepts can be in the overall implementation and deployment of your software; contact us today.
