Let a Gold-Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner answer questions about ERP software

A mistaken notion among business owners is that the vendor for ERP software is only concerned about moving product, and that’s where the ‘relationship’ ends with little, if any, follow-up service. Implementation? Training? Deployment?

Many vendors will fall woefully short when it comes to post-sales. It’s not that they are bad companies. On the contrary they succeed because they know the limits of their expertise.

That’s why savvy business owners need post-sales guidance from vendors with the resources to provide it.

But it’s more than stockingup on Microsoft Dynamic products and running promotion after promotion. Nowadays, small and mid-size manufacturers and distributors benefit from the certified expertise of a Microsoft Dynamics partner, like Technology Management Concepts (TMC).

In the first place, being a Microsoft Gold-Certified partner means more than pushing product for the Redmond Giant. Vendors receive an audit to determine just how close they work with their customer base. As such, techs must demonstrate expertise in implementation and problem solving during a set time period.

More than offering technical expertise in Microsoft Dynamics software, TMC staff understands the many features, advantages and benefits of the software. Inside and out.

For example, if you still have doubts that your company needs an ERP system, survey the inner-workings of your company and apply these questions:

  • Will benefits derive from streamlining inventory and warehouse management?
  • Do you need all of your on-premise systems—and cloud apps—to work as one system?
  • Too many errors in accounting? Do you see the benefit of automating many back office tasks?

More questions? Contact us. We work hard to earn our Gold Microsoft Dynamics partner status with each and every customer.

Written by J.K. (Sales Team)

