The first step to implementing a new ERP software and accounting system is evaluating your company’s readiness for change. Before you begin looking at new features and setting fast-track time lines, take time to set realistic goals and build momentum. Pre-production planning is the key to success.

1. Change Your System Before You Have To; It Will Save You Money and Headaches

By the time you are certain that your current ERP software system is inadequate, you’re probably already losing money to reduced productivity, lost opportunities, and inferior data. Don’t wait until that happens. If you’re receiving warning signs that your system can’t keep up (data frustration, slow turn-around, time-consuming or manual processes), begin your needs analysis now. Many professional systems analysts use the steps below. Keep them in mind as you evaluate your system needs.

2. Accept the Fact that Improvements Cost Money; The Investment Is Worth the End Result

Implementing new accounting software will require an investment of time and money. But the hidden costs of antiquated ERP software systems are sapping your productivity and softening your competitive edge. Remember that the right system will pay for itself with process improvements and better data for decision-making. Many businesses are choosing more modern, automated systems for faster processing of accounting transactions, easier retrieval of accounting information, and better formatting of accounting reports. Keep these benefits in mind when considering return on your investment.

3. Don’t Ignore Hard-to-Quantify Benefits

A new ERP software system will deliver broad improvements whose overall impact may be difficult to calculate with precision. Consider all the benefits of more reliable and faster access to data. Think about how much it is worth to your company to improve strategic planning. How much will it cost you if your next audit doesn’t stand up to scrutiny? How will your company’s reputation improve if your new system gives your customers better, faster, and more professional service?

4. Compromise Is a Good Thing

Your final choice of software probably won’t satisfy everyone in your company, but through clear communication and patient education, most people will recognize that the decisions being made are fair and reasonable. Plan to spend more time than you’d like handling objections, especially in the early phases of the project. Plus, have a strategy for fine-tuning the system once it’s installed. Count on a new system to satisfy about 90 percent of your needs and wants, and figure out how you are going to deal with the remaining 10 percent. You may need to consider some staffing changes or revising your policies and procedures.

For more help in selecting a new ERP Software System visit or call us at 310-559-3982. You can also get a free trial of Microsoft Dynamics GP, NAV, or SL by clicking here. Stay tuned for more parts to the “Steps for Purchasing a New ERP Software System”!