Dynamic Communities Community Summit 2022: Why You Need to Be There!

Dynamic Communities is hosting their annual Community Summit in beautiful Orlando, Florida, October 10th-13th, and it is just around the corner. If you’re looking to learn more about why this awesome Summit is for you, then continue reading for all the information you need to know about this year’s event! […]

2022-10-24T11:25:06-07:00September 14th, 2022|

Why Integrate Your ERP and CRM System with Microsoft Dynamics 365?

According to the Economist, the world’s most valuable asset is no longer oil, but data. And it’s for a good reason: it can be used to create new products or services that improve people’s lives. The same applies to businesses. They have access to an increasing amount of data about their customers, suppliers, employees, partners, and competitors. This information can help them develop better strategies and make smarter decisions. […]

2023-11-03T10:24:09-07:00August 12th, 2022|

5 Digital Imperatives for your Digital Transformation

Every year Microsoft hosts their biggest Partner event called Microsoft Inspire. Technology Management Concept’s CEO, Jennifer Harris had the proud chance to attend the live event in Silicon Valley as part of the Microsoft Women Owned Network to a viewing party, where Microsoft Partners and Executives get together to learn about Microsoft’s innovations for the coming year. […]

2022-08-02T11:23:16-07:00August 2nd, 2022|
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