Reasons to Migrate Your On-Prem Applications to Microsoft Azure Cloud

Recent years have seen organizations move their IT assets to the cloud or create hybrid environments comprising on-premise and cloud solutions. Still, some businesses rely entirely on on-prem applications to run their operations. Perhaps they aren’t ready to move entirely to the cloud (yet) for some reason. […]

2023-12-08T09:35:31-08:00February 23rd, 2023|

6 Key Attributes of a Great Microsoft Dynamics Partner

Whether you're looking for a new Microsoft Dynamics Partner or not, it is crucial to ensure that whoever you partner with can provide you with the support you need for the current state of your business. Over time, your needs and conditions may change, and what may have seemed like a sufficient relationship no longer fits your business requirements. That is why frequent reassessment of your partner's skills and capabilities is critical for the growth of your business.   Here are the 6 key attributes when choosing a Microsoft Dynamics Partner:  # 1 - Experience Some of Microsoft's Dynamic [...]

2024-08-01T16:53:15-07:00February 8th, 2023|

To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics NAV? A Simple Guide

It’s the end of an era for Microsoft Dynamics NAV which has been the corporate favorite for Enterprise Resource Planning since its launch in September 2005. Starting in October 2018, Microsoft Dynamic NAV was officially rebranded to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to meet more industry requirements than just accounting. […]

2023-01-25T15:42:56-08:00January 25th, 2023|

7 Benefits of Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for Your Accounting Needs

Accountants are under constant pressure to improve their productivity, efficiency, and financial operations while ensuring the accuracy and compliance of their reporting and security. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution designed to help accountants meet all these challenges. […]

2023-01-05T09:52:38-08:00January 5th, 2023|

3 Keys to a Successful Business Process Review

3 Keys to a Successful Business Process Review During the initial stages of most ERP/CRM implementations, we will frequently recommend that our clients engage in a Business Process Review, as one of the first, key steps in the project.  The motivation here is very basic, and definitely of interest to everyone involved in the project:  Identify and manage risks to the project, ensure minimal budget surprises, and build end-user satisfaction. A Master in Management will better prepare you in identifying and implementing the changes necessary to lead your business to future success. 4 reasons to conduct a Business Process Review: [...]

2023-01-24T09:57:53-08:00January 1st, 2023|
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