Business, and organizations, who are still using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 may already be onboard the big changes coming on January 13, 2015. Then, Microsoft will no longer offer their “mainstream support” for this software, including SP1 and R2.
For users still on a current service plan, they will be able to access support through CustomerSource:
- Previously released Upgrades, Updates, Service Packs, Fixes and Regulatory/Tax Updates
- Self-Help Support through Knowledge Base articles and online content
- Unlimited Online Training
A more extensive support network will continue to be provided as “paid support” in a number of categories through January 2010, which will mark the end of support for NAV 2009.
But with a newer version, Dynamics NAV 2015, now on the market, decision-makers may be well served to make the switch to this newer platform. Aside from the wide range of features the newer version provides, perhaps the most noteworthy one may seem like the most complicated to the non-technical user: PowerShell uses a ‘command-line’ input system allowing users “to control system administration and automate batch processing” via Microsoft’s .NET programming support.
What’s more, NAV 2015 integrates seamlessly in the cloud with Office 365, which provides online file storage AND sharing; and ‘business-class’ email capability fully accessible and synced for those on-the-road, in the field or the client’s office.
A critical part of upgrading, of course, is ‘data migration,’ and making certain that existing data can be pulled over from legacy systems and into NAV 2015. At its core, a successful migration of files and documents from a legacy platform will focus on these key areas: “risk reduction, lower operational expenses and improved data quality.”
Before you purchase Dynamics NAV 2015, contact us. We offer trained professionals to lead you through implementation and deployment.