Non Profit ERP can Help Your Organization to Help Others

For many people the very idea of non profit erp is a contradiction in terms. After all, not-for-profit organizations are all about doing the most good with meager resources; at least that’s the popular perception. Yet it’s this common image of non-profits that makes them ideal candidates for ERP services. Here’s why: […]

2022-05-25T14:00:36-07:00July 16th, 2016|

ERP Systems Help Non-Profit Organizations Stay On Track

Non-profit organizations may seem less complicated than other types of business, but many of the functions require the same efficient management tasks. Having to deal with planning, accounting, financing, human resources, and donor data management can be overwhelming without the proper tools. This is where non-profit ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) can make these tasks a whole lot easier. Below are some ways that non-profit ERP can help your non-profit organization. […]

2022-05-25T14:00:45-07:00July 10th, 2016|

Three Key Benefits of an Effective Ecommerce ERP

4Customer demand in the ecommerce industry is a rapidly morphing animal, moving away from the day when businesses carefully placed themselves as the most presentable partner at the ball and more toward customers aggressively searching for their own dates. Developing a successful ecommerce erp can help ensure that your company’s dance card remains full. […]

2023-02-07T12:37:50-08:00July 7th, 2016|

Dynamics GP 2010 For Government Agencies And Contracts

With the release of Dynamics GP 2010, Microsoft continues to enhance its flagship business application and its ability to support a wide variety of government agencies, NGO’s, and not for profits.  Enhanced reporting and analysis tools, support for international financial reporting standards (IFRS and XBRL), and general ledger reporting ledgers all make GP 2010 a great choice for government agencies and institutions. […]

2022-05-25T14:01:00-07:00July 5th, 2016|

Dynamics GP Cloud – Enabling SMBs to Become a Global Force

The “fear of change” keeps many business owners from embracing certain aspects of technology, such as SaaS platforms offered by cloud-hosting companies to run business process applications, or provide data storage. Yet, others take full advantage of its benefits to “become a global force,” as noted in a WSJ overview. […]

2022-05-25T14:01:07-07:00July 4th, 2016|

MS Azure – Provides Agility for Users of the Microsoft Stack

The meeting with the C-suite went well: You pitched the need for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to handle an array of functions, from financials and inventory management to better collaboration with the company’s workflow. Everyone agreed it was time to ‘disconnect’ from all the separate programs in favor of a single database managements system, like Microsoft Dynamics GP. […]

2022-05-25T14:01:33-07:00June 28th, 2016|

Let a Dynamics GP Consultant Show You How to Integrate Other Programs Into Dynamics GP

Make no mistake, Excel is not a program the Microsoft Dynamics product line is replacing: On the contrary, Excel, a mainstay of many startups and small to medium-size businesses, is enhanced with its integration into Microsoft Dynamics GP, for example. The latter is a proven, out-of-the-box ERP solution for manufacturers, supply chains and distributors. […]

2022-11-18T09:56:41-08:00June 26th, 2016|
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