To tax more? Or to tax less?

To tax more? Or to tax less? Originally posted by Avalara Spend a little time with sales tax and it’s easy to see how maddening it can be. Skimming headlines the other day, I saw that Arkansas is being advised to broaden its sales tax, while some lawmakers in Guam think more products should be exempt from a sales tax that isn’t yet in effect. The juxtaposition caught my eye: tax more, tax less. And these headlines aren’t unusual. […]

2022-05-25T13:09:57-07:00April 3rd, 2018|

Dynamics 365 Training Session: How to Manage Service Cases

In this Microsoft Dynamics 365 training, you’ll learn how to efficiently manage service cases. Locating Case Records To navigate to the Service work area, where you’ll find a grid view that lists cases, click the main menu and then Service > Cases. The first thing that you’ll see is a list of active cases. […]

2022-06-14T14:57:51-07:00March 15th, 2018|

Dynamics 365 Training Session: How to Work Offline

With faster networks and WiFi connectivity virtually everywhere, why would anyone care about working offline? If you’ve ever traveled out of network range, been slowed down by an unreliable connection, or blocked by a restricted site, then you know the answer. In this brief Dynamics 365 training, you’ll learn how to enable your organization to work offline without sacrificing any of the application’s functionality. […]

2022-05-25T13:10:25-07:00March 14th, 2018|

Customizing Your Dynamics 365 Implementation

  You don’t have to be a big company or have a dedicated IT professional on staff to configure the Dynamics 365 implementation that is best suited to your own needs because the system comes with point-and-click customization tools that almost anyone can use without writing a single line of code. Company Branding If you’d like to have your own logo on the navigation bar or change the color scheme to match your brand, simply go to Settings > Customizations, and add a new theme. Upload your logo file, and set the color codes for screen elements such as the [...]

2022-05-25T13:11:13-07:00March 1st, 2018|

What Makes Microsoft Azure Stand Out as a Cloud Provider?

With more and more businesses migrating to cloud services to protect and maximize the potential of their data, emergence of many cloud vendors in the market was all too evident. However, despite the influx of cloud providers in the market, there stands a big difference between just cloud suppliers and real cloud providers. Some of the features distinguishing Microsoft Azure from the others as a preferable cloud provider for any business include:  […]

2022-05-25T13:11:21-07:00February 28th, 2018|
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