One of the reasons healthcare organizations, and their associated business partners, may push back on cloud-based services is the ongoing concerns regarding data compliance and privacy measures. Yet, the government has made this step a necessary one for the industry.
Indeed, and as an overview on Forbes points out, the cloud is “revolutionizing healthcare:”
“For years, the healthcare industry has been pushing clinics, hospitals and doctors’ offices to transition to electronic health records. By 2015, most providers were supposed to be using the cloud as mandated by the government, but the healthcare industry still lags behind.”
Because Microsoft Azure is “cloud compliant,” healthcare users of Dynamics ERP software, for example, can store patient data, and Electronic Records-related information in a secure HIPPA (Healthcare Insurance and Portability Act) environment.
Moreover, Dynamics GP users can track the movement of data from within their own on-premise networks to the cloud, making certain only those with the right permissions are handling the information.
Dynamics GP users enhance their productivity by deploying their software in the Microsoft Azure cloud. For one thing, SaaS deployment can provide more opportunities for collaboration and tracking of patient referrals and treatment plans. Furthermore, Dynamics GP meets the federal law that “requires employers” to provide a value metric to their employer-provided benefits, such as healthcare plans:
” Compliance with the requirement can easily be accomplished with Dynamics GP, using the Human Resources and Payroll modules. tracking the values of both employer and employee contributions will require your benefits (health insurance) to be set up as a two items; one Benefit for the employer-paid portion; and a Deduction for the employee-paid contributions.”
Contact us to learn more about the Azure Cloud.