Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.) Initiatives
TMC has been exclusively a woman-owned and operated business for 30 years. Moreover, 80% of our executive team and managers are women (Women hold only 3% of executive roles among other Microsoft Dynamics organizations on everage). However, that is just the tip of what we at TMC consider important in embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as an organization. As a company, it is a priority to demonstrate respect for one another, our community, and our clients. We do this through our engagement in the community, mentoring young women through our scholarship, and participating in community programs. We strive to empower and lift up anyone who wants to be educated and/or work in the field of technology and sponsor any philanthropic activity that any TMC employee participates in.
TMC believes that our executive team members and managers should role model the DEI practice for the company and how we do business. This means that we hire Managers, Directors, and Employees with diverse cultural backgrounds, including but not limited to: sexual/gender orientations, age, religion, color, physical and mental disabilities, and more. We engage the entire company in interactive discussions and training about what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to TMC.
We do that by inviting any employee to share about themselves, their culture, and their interests on a weekly “Water-Cooler Chat” where we host cooking demonstrations, and discuss favorite movies, books, and different topics. These weekly chats can be led by any employee and last 15-30 minutes. We also have more formal training and educational sessions about what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion really mean.

Empowering women!
In addition to what we do internally at TMC, we make a strong effort to engage with diverse communities on a business level as well as a philanthropic level. We offer two annual scholarships for local city colleges to support women in technology. We engage with the recipients of the scholarship and offer to mentor and provide internship opportunities when possible. We recently participated in the American Association of University Women (AAUW) STEM (Science, technology, engineering, math) Career Conference in Long Beach, California, by providing a coding program demonstration and exercise in an effort to inspire young women of diverse backgrounds and socioeconomic levels, to pursue careers in technology. We also have executives and employees engaging in panel discussions about careers and challenges for people with diverse backgrounds and we sponsor and engage in initiatives that support diversity equity and inclusion.
TMC prides itself on its ability to attract and retain employees with diverse backgrounds. We have virtual employees in twelve different states and four different countries. We accommodate different time zones, holidays, and religious practices. We believe in the philosophy that when we grow as a company, our employees grow as individuals, and together, we can impact communities, near and far.

How we promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.)
With Jennifer a highly-sought-after speaker for technology conferences, it’s no wonder that she is a pillar to so many young women, seeking a career in the field of technology. In Feb 2022, TMC co-sponsored the American Association of University Women’s STEM Career Conference at Long Beach City College, featuring women with eminent careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. They presented workshops to middle-school girls to excite them about the possibilities of such careers and to encourage them to attend college.
Prior to that, in December 2021, Jennifer helped launch Source Day’s “Women in ERP” podcast by sharing her company’s expertise in installing, training and maintaining enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, known as TMC’s core business.
To ensure women remain motivated to join the technology field, in 2021 and 2022, TMC sponsored the Women in Technology reception at the Microsoft User Group’s Annual Summit, where she was one of four women, recognized as leaders in the technology industry. TMC also offered two, needs-based annual scholarships for female students in STEM at Santa Monica City College and for a female student in Computer Sciences at Long Beach City College. This award is particularly important in that it is named after Jennifer’s late partner, Brenda Diener, who co-founded TMC.
In 2020, Jennifer played a key role in the American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) STEM Conference, speaking at their “Women Leadership in Technology” workshop. The AAUW is one of the most longstanding, respected organizations for women, dating back to the late 1800’s. In this enervating workshop, Jennifer encouraged middle-school students to pursue college degrees in the field of technology so that they could, too, could become future leaders. As a Vistage member, Jennifer also meets with other CEOs to share her dreams for the future of the technology industry.