Microsoft 365
Maximizing your employees productivity!

It’s the Office you know, plus tools to help you work better together, so you can get more done.

Discover how Microsoft 365 can grow your business

Microsoft 365 working with your other Cloud-based Applications, give your business more flexibility. Give your employees the opportunities to securely access and edit documents on-the-go and in real-time.

Many Businesses take advantage of the convergence of cloud solutions and mobile technology to insure productivity, accommodate different work styles, and reduce costs. The cloud also provides high-level security and privacy while ensuring the access control you need.

Microsoft 365 Home trial includes

  • Fully installed Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more.
  • Installation on up to 5 PCs or Macs.
  • Microsoft mobile apps on up to 5 tablets and 5 phones.
  • 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage per user, for up to 5 users.
  • After your 1-month free trial, Microsoft 365 Home is 7,99 $ per month.
  • Credit card required. Cancel anytime.

M365 Includes Power BI for Valuable Business Insights

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that deliver insights throughout your organization. Connect to hundreds of data sources, simplify data prep, and drive ad hoc analysis. Produce beautiful reports, then publish them for your organization to consume on the web and across mobile devices. Everyone can create personalized dashboards with a unique, 360-degree view of their business.

78% of American small businesses will have fully adopted Cloud computing by 2020 because Cloud Computing is up to 40 times more cost-effective for Small-to-Medium Business compared to running its own IT system or department.”

Microsoft study | Running Business in the Cloud

Microsoft revealed in March 2020 that they are rebranding its Office 365 business plans with the Microsoft 365 name. It does not change their pricing or what’s included in them. The new names are scheduled to change automatically on April 21, 2020.

Plans which are affected by the change include: 

>> Fill out the form below to Request a Free Trial <<

Microsoft 365 apps—even better with Microsoft 365

Office 365 Application Microsoft Outlook          Office 365 Application Microsoft Word          Office 365 Application Microsoft Excel          Office 365 Application Microsoft Powerpoint          Office 365 Application Microsoft OneNote          Office 365 Application Microsoft Publisher

Outlook               Word                  Excel                   PowerPoint         OneNote             Publisher

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