Are you ready to move your business applications,
data and infrastructure to the Cloud?
“These are the main benefits of migrating your business applications to the Cloud.”
1. TIME | How does the cloud save time?
You can get a new server in minutes—as opposed to months—with something like Azure Virtual machines. For example, if you’re using IBM Global outsource—it can take 1-6 months to get a server. That’s 6 months until you can go to market with your new business idea.
Saving time with global, reliable scale with cloud’s most DB, allows you to take unstructured data and share it around the world to build resiliency and lower latency in your app. You can also reduce the amount of time IT spends having to manually monitor and manage VMs using tools in Azure.
- Reduce time-consuming IT chores with monitoring and management tools
- Global, reliable scale with Cosmos DB
- New server availability from months to minutes with Azure virtual machines
2. CONFIDENCE | Why do you also want confidence?
You want to know that when you put your business in the cloud, it’ll always be available. With Azure Site Recovery, you can rest assured knowing we ensure business continuity. Azure Site Recovery allows you to replicate your business so that, if something happens, you can continue your business without any loss of time or money.
You can mitigate risks with Azure Security Center’s huge breadth of security certifications, or you can choose to store your data in any one of our 40 data storage locations to keep it close to you.
- Ensure business continuity with Azure
Site and Disaster Recovery - Choose from 450 global regions
- Mitigate risks with Azure security center and compliance certifications
3. PERFORMANCE| Is your platform performing better than you?
For example, like engaging with your customer with a more human touch using something like Azure Cognitive Services which allows you to connect with a customer from a visual, speech, or touch tool perspective. You can stay up to date with the latest Azure portal, so you never have to update software yourself—all the latest and greatest tools are at your fingertips, all the time.
Lastly, you can simplify your devices with preconfigured solutions we have in our Azure IoT platform which allows you to take our performance and bring your business to another level.
- Engage your customers with a more human touch using Azure Cognitive Services
- Stay current with the latest, up-to-date Azure portal
- Simplify your devices with pre-configured Azure IoT solutions
“These are just some basic uses of the cloud, you can do so much more.”
Keep your business secure & compliant
Create new apps & digital services
Store, back up, and recover data
Unlock the potential of devices
Take the next leap in artificial intelligence
Analyze data to make predictions
Customers are seeing significant ROI by moving to Azure:
Microsoft commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by shifting some or all their management and operations from on-premises, hosted, and outsourced implementations to Azure’s infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offering – and the ROI enterprises may realize by shifting their application development and deployment to Azure platform-as-a-service (PaaS).
Benefits gained by interviewed customers that migrated or re-architected some or all workloads from on-premises to IaaS include:
- Greater revenue opportunities from business-to-business.
- Increased profits from those revenues.
- Improved production efficiency.
- Reduced datacenter, IT resource, and outsourcing costs.
- Easier and faster software and hardware management.

Flexible migration options
with hybrid support
Only Microsoft Azure gives you a flexible cloud migration path with consistency across your on-premises and cloud assets. Whether your business requires a hybrid state long term or only during the migration period, Microsoft Azure can support your migration.
Cost-effective throughout the
entire migration experience
Azure offers unmatched value during every stage of your cloud migration journey. Use free assessment, migration, and cost management tools as you migrate. When cloud migration is complete, keep your TCO in check using Azure Reserved VM Instances.
High confidence,
lower risk migration
Transitioning your business-critical investments to the cloud doesn’t have to be challenging or intimidating. To help you migrate confidently and with lower risk, we’ve invested in tools to help you plan and migrate, and in resources to keep you informed as you go.
TMC can help you drive migration initiatives and manage your resources once they’re in Azure
1. Microsoft Azure Workshop
What we do
- Identify business and IT requirements, priorities and constraints
What you receive
- Business recommendations
- Azure Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and value to your business
Duration: 2 hours
2. Migration Plan & Business Case
What we do
- Assess your current IT environment architecture, and portfolio of applications
- Identify apps to migrate and those requiring refactoring
- Quantify ROI of migration for business case
What you receive
- Receive recommendations, ROI, and
detailed migration plan for your
business case
Duration: Variable, based on project size

Please fill out the form below to learn why thousands of customers have migrated to Azure.
Thanks, Brett Hensley, TMC Sales Director
To get started with your ERP Cloud migration, fill out the form below:
3. Participate in the Proof of Concept
What we do
- Participate in a Proof of Concept
What you receive
- Proof workloads can be migrated without disruption
Duration: Variable, based on project size
4. Microsoft Azure Migration
What we do
- Participate in a seamless cloud migration
What you receive
- Migrated workloads
- Optimized environment
- Cost savings
- Increased productivity
Duration: Variable, based on project size

“We believe that the success made possible by the cloud should be accessible to every business and every organization,
small and large, old and new. But not all businesses are created equal. Some of you are just beginning your cloud journey.
Every company — regardless of industry, legacy, or technology pedigree — can thrive in the cloud.”
“IaaS is fastest growing subsegment, projected to
grow 36.6% in 2017, 30.1% CAGR for next 5 years“
Gartner and IDC
“80% of CIOs are pressured by their leaders to
evaluate migrating their datacenters to IaaS”