D365 BC F.A.Q. 8 | How to Manage screen space in Dynamics 365 Business Central

There’s a handful of useful functions in Business Central to help you manage screen space. Also, your browser has a nice trick up the sleeve, known as “Zoom”. In this post, we’ll walk you thru how you can better organize the information on screen with Business Central. If you sometimes feel your screen is not large enough, and you want to learn how to manage screen space better, then this post is for you! […]

2023-05-18T09:19:41-07:00February 14th, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 7 | How to Manage Your Dynamics 365 Business Central Client Environments

Managing Your Business Central Client Environments Even as we move into a cloud/SaaS model, where partners won’t maintain or control the hardware that Business Central is running on, partners need visibility and control of their customers’ environments. […]

2023-05-18T09:20:18-07:00February 12th, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 6 | Security hardening your on-premises installation of Dynamics 365 Business Central

In the summer of 2018, the US Department of Homeland Security issued a warning via the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), that ERP systems are being increasingly targeted by very dangerous threat actors, included nation states, hacktivists and cyber criminals. […]

2023-05-18T09:27:05-07:00February 6th, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 5 | Find the right resources and provide feedback for Dynamics 365 BC!

  You may have a suggestion for a feature for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, or you might have an issue that you think other Business Central users can help you with. Regardless whether you’re looking for training material or if you simply want to stay up to date with what’s happening in the community, we’ve got the right resources for you. […]

2023-05-18T09:17:02-07:00February 4th, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 4 | Take a tour behind the scenes in the Dynamics 365 BC service

In this post, I’m taking you on a tour behind the scenes in the Business Central service. In particular, I will talk about how we have hardened the Business Central Server tier inside the data plane and introduced a new micro service that we call Licensing Service. […]

2023-05-18T09:29:25-07:00January 31st, 2019|

Dynamics 365 CRM Delivers Actionable Data to Increase Profitability

Perhaps more than ever before, businesses are truly focusing on better ways of engaging their customers. Unfortunately, according to Gartner, the marketplace is overflowing with the next-best-thing in CRM add-ons used by so-called “marginal players” in attempts to predict, for example, areas of customer behavior. […]

2024-04-11T09:02:06-07:00January 29th, 2019|

Dynamics 365 CRM Brings More Agility to Company Decision-Making

Gartner defines a legacy software system as one that uses outdated technologies to handle those most “critical..day-to-day operations.”  For SMB owners looking to upgrade their business processing software, the challenge is not just any new technology, but digital tools that offer “compatibility with old systems and data formats that are still in use,” as Gartner notes. […]

2022-05-25T13:01:14-07:00January 22nd, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 3 | How to avoid search timeout? Seek and you shall find!

In all supported versions of Business Central formally known as NAV, all list pages have a Quick search control, allowing you to create a filter, that finds records containing what is typed in the search box. This is a popular feature, but it has one major problem: It performs very poorly with large tables. […]

2023-05-18T09:18:16-07:00January 17th, 2019|

D365 BC F.A.Q. 2 | How to connect to your Dynamics 365 Business Central Docker sandbox database with SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio Code?

How to connect to your Dynamics 365 Business Central Docker sandbox database with SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio Code? Getting started with local container sandboxes for Business Central is very easy. Just download and install Docker locally (remember to choose Windows containers), install the NAV Container Helper Powershell module. […]

2023-05-18T09:18:51-07:00January 15th, 2019|
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