Business owners are always tempted to try the newest-and-next-best-thing if it promises to improve their bottom line; help them identify new revenue opportunities or keep an eye on the competition.
Making sense out of the today’s data, whether it’s information pulled from social media, or gathered from customer purchasing histories, is what the productivity tools from Microsoft Dynamics CRM/ERP software is all about.
What’s more, companies can further their knowledge about customer preferences, or what the competition is doing, but using Microsoft’s Power BI (business intelligence) module. Simply put, BI is all about gathering raw data from sources including social media channels and turns that information into a useable form—all from a single database without the need of searching multiple programs.
As Gartner notes, the full power of business intelligence is all about companies learning how to…
“…gain new analytical skills – descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.”
For sure, the real benefit to users is the ability to go beyond collecting the data, but more about how to interpret the information. The outcomes can add more interpretive data to help stakeholders gain better insights, thereby opening the way for more intuitive decision-making.
A couple of years ago, Microsoft’s PowerBI was launched as part of Microsoft’s software as a service platform, Office 365. Dynamics GP training, something all companies need to go through, PowerBI selects patterns from the data via the use of programs like Excel and Power Query to enhance spreadsheets and Dashboard visuals.
In addition, PowerBI has a geo-visualization option via Bing Maps, plus the suite’s Power Map Tool, to deliver interactive maps that pinpoint key data points in specific locales.
Learn more about the Dynamics product line, and how our Microsoft certified teams can help you determine the right product for your industry. Contact us today.