
You probably read the title and thought, “How can a national holiday and an ERP system relate?” 4th of July—America’s Independence Day—is when Americans throughout the whole nation are traveling and enjoying grilled burgers and hotdogs while watching fireworks. During this time of the year, families are making long weekend trips out of town—leaving all their valuables in their homes unattended.

So how does it relate to an ERP system, again?
Based on reports, “from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, 60% of convicted burglars stated the presence of a security system influenced their decision to target another home [instead].” That is why most homes are equipped with security systems nowadays.

On the other hand, ERP systems need the same support that can fight off malware and hackers from accessing valuable data. Since ERP systems are always on the radar for hackers, why not have a security system for it just like a home with security cameras.

You might think having an ERP system on-premise specifically means you have full control over it since it is “in your house.” At TMC, we recommend our clients to migrate to the Cloud since we use a trustworthy datacenter host such as the Azure Cloud to provide maximum security and optimal reliability.

We hope you had a fun and safe long weekend! Feel free to visit our website with helpful resources about ERP systems. If you have any questions, contact us!