How to Use Dynamics 365 Business Central as a Sales Account Executive

How to Use Dynamics 365 Business Central as a Sales Account Executive

I want to show you how an account executive can use information from Dynamics 365 business Central in Outlook to create a sales quote for a customer and continue with a number of interactions that will result in a successful sale so let’s get started. 

Creating a Sales Quote from Outlook 

Using Business Central and Co-pilot to Generate and Confirm a Quote 

In this scenario I just received an email from a client of mine they’re requesting a quote for some office furniture so I can go ahead and do that right within Outlook accessing data from Dynamics 365 business Central here’s the email right here and what I want to do is I want to access information in business Central directly from Outlook I can do that easily go to business Central here and I immediately get information about this customer from business Central Business Central has looked at the email address and determined that this is the customer you can see I’ve got information about the customer right here so this is handy I can see current information on this customer right from Outlook and in this case the customer wants a quote so I can go ahead and create a new quote from Outlook let’s go up here create a new sales quote business Central will look at the email and try to determine what the customer is asking for and it’s correctly identified these items I’ve got the table right here I’m going to check that and I’ve got some chairs right here I’ll check that go over here and check the quantity I can see that the quantity has also been correctly interpreted by business Central and I’ve got everything I need to make a quote and send it out to this client so I’m going to go ahead and hit okay business Central create the sales quote you can see the new quote number right here and from here the quote’s already in the system it’s already being processed but what I can do is I can respond to the client and I can send them a confirmation I’ll just go up here and I’ll send the confirmation here and here’s a sales quote confirmation created by business Central it’s in Outlook I can change the contents of the email if I want to but I’ve got the sales quote attached to this all I need to do is then go send it and I’m done also I have co-pilot in Outlook and I can summarize discussion if I want to let’s do that and here’s a summary by co-pilot of the conversation I’ve had with this client about this particular quote. 

Customer Response and Discount 

Then we get a response from our client asking for a small discount and looking over this account we can give them a small discount so let’s go ahead and do that we can access business Central again from Outlook and we’ll look at open quotes here’s the customer card I can see the information about the quotes right here let me open that up going to open up this this quote that we just created and I can open it up in a new window to get a better view of this so let’s do that here’s the order in business Central I access this directly from Outlook I can see a full view of this order I can give him a small discount if I want to so I’m just going to put $150 discount in there gives me a discount on that quote and now what I want to do is I’m going to turn this into an order so I’ll make an order here’s the order in business Central it’s all ready to go I can email this out let’s go back to the email in Outlook we’ll take a look at business Central from business Central we can see that it’s now in order we can open up the sales orders we got all the orders here here’s the one that we just created let’s open that up here’s the order here we can confirm it if we want to we can see all the detail here again we can open this in a bigger screen if we want to but I’m going to go ahead and send an email confirmation the email confirmation comes up it’s got the New Order attached I can modify the message if I want to and then send it out and again I can summarize it by co-pilot if I summarize it by co-pilot I’ll see a complete listing of all the activity on this particular conversation with this particular client you can see that here you can see that the item’s been ordered and I’m done that order is now in business Central operations are going to take care of it and send that out to the customer 

Mobile App 

before we continue if you like this type of content the best way to support us and to help others find this content is to subscribe to our Channel activate the notifications and share your thoughts in the comment section below thank you for helping us grow this channel let’s get back to the demonstration Business Center also comes with a mobile app that account Executives can easily use when they’re out of the office on their mobile app let’s take a look at it this is the rooll center that I’m logged into I can see all the tiles that I would see in business Central here they are we can scroll down a little bit also have some graphs here related to sales if I’m doing opportunity tracking I can see those opportunities right here I get more information on those opportunities here are the opportunities by salesperson I can look at my top five opportunities all for my mobile device and if I was on meeting with a client and they wanted to place an order right away I could do that right from my mobile device it’s easy to do open up a sales order look up the customer if I wanted to I could start the order here and finish it up later I could also go in here and add additional lines to this order and get it started I can look up the item let’s say they wanted a guest chair just select that put in the quantity and now the order is all done the order has already been created in business Central directly from the mobile app and it’s ready for processing and this was a quick demonstration of how a sales account executive might use Outlook with Dynamics 365 business Central to create sales close sales and work with customers on new sales and they can use business Central in the office at home and also on their mobile app makes it very flexible and easy to get work done 

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