Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training – and more!
At TMC, you have the choice of three ERP training options for your
Dynamics 365 CRM, Dynamcs 365 Business Central/NAV, Dynamics GP, or Dynamics SL products.
Our consultants will work with you and your team to find and execute the best blend of training to meet your organizational needs.

Implementing an effective enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is one of the best steps you will ever take in improving your company’s productivity and performance, but an expert’s ERP training is vital to the business process. Without ERP training programs, you will be left to feel your way through the maze of software capabilities. Though software is largely intuitive, the lack of training can cost time and money until your team is comfortable with the system. That is why Technology Management Concepts includes training as part of the design and implementation process.
When you come to us for an ERP solution, you will not only get effective, usable software and business applications but you will also get to choose how we train your team to use it. Below are 3 options of ERP Training Programs that TMC offers:
1. Customized Onsite Training
Bring your staff up-to-date with our personalized Customized On-site Training curriculum. We endeavor to make the learning process for you and your employees as seamless and effective as possible.
Our training integrates your specific work environment and can be conducted either at your facilities using a traditional, structured classroom approach or via the web, through our web based instruction system. Since we use your companies own information to drive the training sessions, your employees will benefit by learning your new system with data that they are already familiar with. For example, your Dynamics 365 training can be adapted for an individual or a group, and addresses different levels within the organization. In addition, we offer a “Train the Trainer” curriculum.
2. Group Classroom Training Offsite
Group Classroom Training offsite is conducted in a state of the art classroom facility. You will not only gain critical knowledge from a Certified TMC Consultant (Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365 Certifications and more…), you will also learn from thought-provoking discussions with other attendees. Our classroom training offers hands on product exercises and demonstrations on CPE accredited courses ranging from beginner to advanced topics. This option is priced on a per student basis and includes a training manual to be used in class and later as a reference tool.
3. Private Classroom Training-Onsite, Offsite or Web Based Training
Private classroom training can be provided for exclusively your company employees offsite, onsite at your facility or web based. This training combines the individual company needs with a structured classroom approach. Depending on your employee’s’ time and organization’s available space, we will create a combination training which will allow for your firm to gain the maximum training benefit.
TMC is committed to providing you with the highest level of training for you to take full advantage of your ERP Software. Our Dynamics 365 training is beneficial for you and your team in order to get the maximum usage of your Dynamics 365 software. Once the Dynamics 365 training is over, you will find insightful aspects of your Dynamics 365 software. All because of your fully integrated TMC ERP training session(s). If for some reason there are still questions–on of the benefits of being a TMC client–is that we are always here to support you and your team from the very beginning to the end.
Aside from ERP training, the element you will find most valuable after your system is implemented is the ongoing support that you get from Technology Management Concepts. We will always be there providing updates, continuing education through user groups and webinars and you will have access to help desk support whenever you need it. The time has come to finally get the ERP system that will enhance how your company collects, stores, manages and accesses its vital data. Do it effectively, efficiently, and get vital expert training as part of the package when you come to TMC.
Request your personalized ERP Training, fill out the form below.
Do you need more information?
Please, touch base with your account manager Jim Kaltsas.
Jim is available to assist you with any of your requests.
From renewals to additional features or technical support, Jim can help you personally or connect you with the right person to handle your requests.
Technology Management Concepts at a glance…
500 years
Combined consulting
Dynamics experience
ERP Implementation
Delivered Globally
Current Dynamics
19 years
Microsoft Gold
33 years
of Business
ISV Partner
ERP Add-ons