Enter to Win $1,000!
To Enter, Schedule a Free Assessment Meeting!
*By scheduling an assessment during the Summit, you’ll be entered in a raffle to win $1,000
If any of these scenarios sound like you, then you’re qualified for a FREE assessment:
✅ You’re a current user of Dynamics GP or NAV but curious about what the Business Central transition roadmap would look like for your business
✅ You’re unhappy with the support of your Dynamics 365 Business Central so you’re looking for the right Partner with the right expertise and experience to optimize your Business Central environment
✅ You’re worried about your CRM system’s support and looking for the right Partner to help you sustain your business growth overtime
What we’ll do during the assessment based on your unique situation:
- Start with a Business Process Review workshop
- We dive deeper with a Solution Exploration session
- We create your personalized Statement of Work
- You begin your Digital Transformation Journey
Schedule an assessment TODAY!
Get the intelligence you need to get ahead! Meet our team of #WIT & Experts

Workflow Tricks |
Workflow Fun Beyond Simple Approvals in Business Central
Speaker: Ting M. | Oct 10, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
You may think that Business Central’s Workflow function is just an approval tool. Guess what! The base functionality of Business Central now allows you to auto-post approved transactions, monitor for changes in values, and check for completeness – all without customization.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand Workflow basic components
- Understand Workflow functions other than approval
- Learn to build small workflows from scratch

Enhance Workflows with Power Automate
Speaker: Cindy L. | Oct 11, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Take your workflow to the next level. While D365BC has some native out-of-box functionality for workflow, some find the workflow approval level too complex to manage. Explore the possibility of extending workflows by using PowerAutomate.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the possibility of extending your workflow with PowerAutomate
- What you should watch out for using Power Automated
- Build a simple PowerAutomate workflow for D365BC

Using Power Automate to Keep Dynamics GP Relevant
Speaker: Mary W. | Oct 12, 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
This session will challenge the idea that there is “one system to rule them all” by exploring the role of Power Automate in bringing seemingly disparate systems together to allow companies to implement best in breed solutions to extend their use of Dynamics GP.

Hey Cortana! What is this called in Business Central?
Translating common Dynamics GP functions & terminology to Business Central
Speaker: Cindy L. | Oct 12, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
You say Financial Statements, I say Account Schedules. You say Segment and I say Dimension. Dynamics GP and Dynamics 365 BC have more in common than you might think! This session is a primer on translating common functions found in both GP and BC.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover common terms in GP vs. BC
- Understand the commonalities of Common setups – GP vs. BC
- View transaction similarities in GP vs. BC

Business Central Dimensions and Analysis for the Non-Accountant
Speaker: Ting M. | Oct 12, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
This session focuses on using aspects of BC that have been forgotten or overlooked with the advent of Power BI. Analysis Views can be a valuable tool for the Non-Accountant and provide insight into Sales and Purchases without having to buy additional add-ons to the system. Tired of waiting to get the report you need? You want to slice, dice, dissect, and analyze Sales and Purchases on your own? We can help! Join us for an overview of Dimensions and Account Analysis without the Accounting jargon.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand What Dimensions Are and How to Find them
- Create a Sales Analysis View for Profit Margin
- Evaluate Sales Margin at the Item Level
- Analyze Sales Margins at the customer level
Register to get recordings or schedule an assessment with us at the Summit!

Proud to be sponsoring the Women in Technology panel & reception again, join us!
Tuesday, October 11 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Expo Floor – Convention Center, Level 1
We are proud to be sponsoring the Women in Technology Panel & Reception that will be taking place at the Community Summit 2022.
Our passionate women tech leaders and diversity advocates will reignite your passion for work. The goal is to inspire working women to successfully “fail forward” without the crash & burn while navigating the landscape of gender equality within business and technology.
Our leading speakers have been hand-picked for their knowledge, their positive contribution to the tech sector, and their passion for advocating for change.