Microsoft Azure Coud Solutions Ideal for Nonprofits.jpg

If you are a nonprofit contemplating an upgrade to your financial, contact management and other business processing software, consider the advantages of using MS Azure to deploy Dynamics NAV, GP or other Dynamics platforms.

From a cloud “perspective, Windows Azure offers SMBs an easy marriage of performance and use while providing a competitive price point. Using Dynamics software as an SaaS underscores the reduced costs from eliminating onpremise hardware and software upgrades: Azure builds all of these costs into their subscription levels, making sure key upgrades are carried out automatically.

By nature, non-profits are always in a scramble to reduce their operating expenses, while finding time to cultivate donations and future pledge strategies. This scenario becomes even more problematic for small nonprofits relying on silos of data residing within on-premise applications and non-integrated files and folders.

In one instance, the key to running a successful  nonprofit, as Forbes points out, is knowing how to access these funding sources by using “sound financials” produced by “technology to get the best deal:

“In some years, for-profit companies won’t generate a profit. However, having a valuable product or service, running a fiscally sound organization, and making use of technology can help organizations secure the funding they need to grow and thrive.”

Microsoft Azure and Cloud Services

Indeed, Microsoft’s Azure allows nonprofits to reap the benefit of the cloud through accessing racks of servers, virtual machines and full supporting services commonly enjoyed by SMBs today.

Be sure to contact us to learn more about the benefits of SaaS through Microsoft’s cloud-hosting services through Azure, for your nonprofit.
