[eBook] How Much Should My ERP Solution Cost?

Insight into decision points that impact your ERP Solution cost

This eBook is designed to help you understand the decision points that impact your business solution cost. When evaluating accounting management solutions, the components that determine price are somewhat standard. Where you will find differences is around the degree of flexibility within the enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to choose what is right for your business.


What impacts your price? Common components include:

  1. How you deploy your solution: Cloud? On-Premise?
  2. How many users do you need?
  3. What do you need to run your business?
  4. What are your implementation and training needs?

Understanding your power of choice across these components is critical to selecting a business solution that enables your continued growth. As you would expect, more standard selections, versus more customized options, impact your cost. Your ability to choose what is best for the success of your business today, combined with the confidence your solution can scale to support your continued growth…..is priceless.